In accordance with our constitution (, Council positions are open for nominations with successful candidates to taking up office after the AGM in Reading University in January 2024: 

The following council positions are now open: 

Vice President, Overseas (2024-2026) a two-year post ending at the AGM of January 2026 

Secretary (2024-2027) a three-year post ending at the AGM of January 2027 with the option to re-stand after this period 

Ordinary member of Council (2024-2027) a three-year post ending at the AGM of January 2027 – 5 vacancies 

This is a good opportunity to get involved in the life of our society, and gain experience in how a “learned society” works. The duties include attending the two full Council meetings a year (one in the summer, one at the Annual meeting), and partake in discussions and decision-making by electronic means. Ordinary Members would be asked to be involved in one of the societies sub-committees. 

Reasonable travel and other expenses are met by the Society. We would welcome applications from any of our members. Council is particularly keen to encourage early career researchers or people working in algal-related industries to consider this opportunity. 

If you are interested in any of these posts, and would wish to know more, please feel free to contact the President, Jane Lewis,, who will be happy to have a conversation. 

The formal process is for a nomination for a named post to be submitted to the BPS Secretary ( A valid nomination needs (i) the name and consent of the nominee, and the support of (ii) a Proposer and (iii) a Seconder (who both need to be a members of the Society). Email is an acceptable form of communication. Nominations must be received by the Secretary by midnight on November 10th, 2023 (two months before the next Annual General Meeting). 

If we receive more valid nominations than vacancies for each post, candidates will be asked to provide a short paragraph in support of their nomination and there will be a ballot of members. The Membership Secretary will circulate details to all members of the BPS one month before the AGM. All completed ballot papers shall be returned to the Secretary before the AGM, and the results declared during the AGM, which will be held at Reading University on Wednesday January 10th, 2024.