President, Royal Society of Biology Representative
Professor Saul Purton
University College London
London, UK
Dr Nicky J.D. Slee
Essex, UK
Jane Purton
London, UK
Membership Secretary
Dr Hilary Redden
Aberdeen, UK
Immediate Past President, Chair of Awards and Training Committee
Professor Jane Lewis
UHI Shetland
Shetland, UK
President Elect
Dr Jessica Adams
Aberystwyth University
Aberystwyth, UK
Overseas Vice President
Professor Craig Schneider
Trinity College
Hartford CT, USA
Joint Editor in Chief European Journal of Phycology, BPS Natural History Museum Representative
Professor Juliet Brodie
The Natural History Museum
London, UK
Joint Editor in Chief European Journal of Phycology
Professor Christine Maggs
Peterborough, UK
Editor in Chief Applied Phycology
Professor John Beardall
Monash University
Melbourne, Australia
Student Representative(s)
Phoebe Lewis,
Newcastle University, UK
Ruby George,
Swansea University,
Swansea, UK
Jasmine Ramshaw,
Marine Biological Association,
Plymouth, UK
Professor Andrew Davies
University of Rhode Island
Rhode Island, USA
Leonardo Cherin
University College London,
London, UK
FEMS Representative on Council
Dr Anne Jungblut
Natural History Museum
London, UK
FEPS Representative on Council
Professor Jason Hall-Spencer
University of Plymouth
Plymouth, UK
Editor of The Phycologist
Dr Amanda Burson
British Antarctic Survey
Cambridge, UK
Ordinary Members
Dr Chris Williamson,
Bristol University,
Bristol, UK
Adam Lewis,
Lowestoft, UK
Dr John Griffin
Swansea University,
Swansea, UK
Dr Pranali Deore,
University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, Australia
Dr Suzanne McGowan
Netherlands Institute of Ecology
Wageningen, NL
Dr Jo Wilbraham
Natural History Museum
London, UK
Dr Mahasweta Saha
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Plymouth, UK
Co-opted Chairs of Committees
Chair of Algal Outreach Committee
Dr Daniel Franklin
Bournemouth University
Bournemouth, UK
Chair of Biodiversity and Conservation Committee
Professor Martin Wilkinson
Heriot Watt University
Edinburgh, UK
Chair of Algal Applications Committee
Dr Gill Malin
University of East Anglia
Norwich, UK