CCAP is one of the world’s leading and oldest algal collection, supporting national and international ecological, environmental and biotechnology research and providing education and training to many scientists and policy makers We provide 100’s samples to scientists each year and are cited nearly 2000 times in publications and patents since our last commission in 2018. We are largely funded by periodic commissions from the UKRI NERC Services and Facilities (S&F) initiative. NERC are wanting to hear about S&F ideas that are essential to the delivery of environmental science over the next 5 to 10 years as they enter the next facility commissioning phase from 2023. More information here:
We are proposing that NERC will continue funding the core and add-on services and facilities that CCAP currently offer to the UKRI community (ecological, patent and confidential culture deposits, biobanking and provision of isolates and larger biomass, DNA supply, morphological and molecular ID and bioinformatic, genomic and metabolomic support and training), but we also need to be adaptive and responsive to the changing resource needs of the community. This will ensure that CCAP provides and is prepared for the needs of the UK science community in the next decade.
Please complete the questions in the link below about current and future needs (there are only 10), adding as much or little text. It should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. The form will be active until 9pm on the 6th June 2021.
The link to the online form is here: