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Collecting and Identifying Seaweeds 2019

March 18, 2019 - March 22, 2019

The British Phycological Society in association with the Marine Biological Association of the UK

Introduction: 18th to 19th March & Advanced: 20th to 22nd March

Based at the Marine Biological Association, Plymouth

Run by Professor Christine Maggs (JNCC, Peterborough) & Francis Bunker (MarineSeen, Pembrokeshire)

Advanced course includes guest teachers and speakers including: Professor Ignacio Bárbara (University of A Coruña), Professor Juliet Brodie (Natural History Museum) and Anne Bunker (Natural Resources Wales)

This course now offers two modules, an introduction to seaweeds (aimed at beginners or those who feel that they need a refresher in the basics); and an advanced module for those who want to look at seaweeds in more detail and get to grips with the more difficult groups (e.g. slimy green and brown seaweeds and red seaweeds that can only be identified reliably under high powered microscopes or by sectioning). Attend the whole 5-day course for total immersion in the world of seaweeds.

Numbers will be limited to enable the tutors to cater for individual needs of interested amateurs, professional biologists requiring further training or refreshers, students (graduate and post graduate), artists, and those working with the Water Framework Directive.

Outline of module – An introduction to seaweeds

Start: Monday 18th March 09:00. End: Tuesday 19th March 17:00:

(Sites chosen for field visits may vary depending on weather conditions etc.)

Day 1 (Monday, 18th March) – A guided tour of a rocky shore to find the different seaweeds characterising each zone. Seaweeds will be collected to take back to the laboratory for identification. There will be introductory lectures on the topics of seaweed and seaweed identification.

Day 2 (Tuesday, 19th March) – Field trip to a contrasting habitat followed by laboratory identification and short talks on a variety of topics.

Outline of module – Advanced seaweed identification

Start: Wednesday 20th March 09:15. End: Friday 22nd March 17:00:

(Sites chosen for field visits may vary depending on weather conditions etc.)

Day 3 (Wednesday, 20th March) – A field trip to collect seaweeds from one of the species rich shores in Plymouth Sound, followed by intensive laboratory sessions on identification. Skills in the use of keys based on microscopic characters, sectioning and staining will be taught and practiced.

Day 4 – (Thursday, 21st March) – A second field trip to a local marina in Plymouth Sound with identification concentrating on filamentous algae and non-native species.

Day 5 – (Friday, 22nd March) – This will concentrate on laboratory time and practice / consolidation of techniques learned. The topic of molecular taxonomy will be introduced and together with a summary of techniques involved. There will be an opportunity for further field collections if requested.

Costs and applications

18th to 22nd March: Whole Course – A whole week immersion in the world of seaweeds. Cost of course £400. Food at the MBA 5 lunches, four dinners, tea and coffee £190.00

18th to 19th March: Introduction – Cost of course £170.Food at the MBA: Two lunches, one dinner, tea and coffee £55 or Two lunches, two dinners, tea and coffee £90.

20th to 22nd March: Advanced – Cost of course £250. Food at the MBA: Three lunches, two dinners, tea and coffee £100.00

Application forms are available from the course administrator, Sally Archer-Thomson, please contact: archerthomson@btinternet.com

Fees are payable in advance (before January 30th 2019) to MarineSeen.

Send cheques and completed application forms to: Honey Hook Cottage, Lower Freystrop, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales, United Kingdom. SA62 4ET

Credit card payments are not accepted. Payment via Paypal on request.


March 18, 2019
March 22, 2019
Event Category:


Marine Biological Association
The Laboratory, Citadel Hill,
Plymouth, Devon PL1 2PB United Kingdom
+ Google Map