BPS is moving to 3 Awards & Training deadlines per year commencing with a 1st November 2019 deadline for bursaries for attendance at the BPS Annual Meeting in January. This 1st November deadline replaces the current 1st September and 1st December deadlines.  (Applications to the 1st September 2019 deadline are unaffected).

NEW! BPS Council fully recognises the importance of supporting the careers of young phycologists. So we are introducing a new Awards & Training Scheme: the Annual Meeting Bursary for Early Career Researchers (ECR).

The annual closing dates for applications for Student Bursaries will be: 1st February, 1st May and 1st November.

The BPS Summer Undergraduate Research Projects will be renamed Summer Undergraduate Internships and the closing date for applications will be 1st February as before.

We also fund a competitive Project Awards programme. The annual closing date for these is 1st May.

Please see https://brphycsoc.org/awards_training/ for further details, but note that the BPS Funding Guidelines and Application Forms are being revised and will be available at that link soon.