The XIII International Fungal Biology Conference – IFBC and the IV International Symposium on Fungal Stress – ISFUS, will take place at the Hotel Nacional Inn, in São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil from September 26 – 29, 2022

The symposium will bring together key scientists from around the world interested in the Morphogenes, Cytoskeletal function and dynamics, Organellar dynamics, Biology of fungal stress, Fungal pathogenesis, Agricultural biotechnology, Industrial biotechnology, and other areas of fundamental and applied mycology.

The symposium has a limited number of attendants (325) to allow interactions, cross-cutting discussions, and a convivial atmosphere. Scientists from Brazil and around the world at all stages of their careers, from undergraduate students to senior professors are welcome.

ELSEVIER will provide cash awards for first, second, and third places for the best student research presented at the Symposium. Please see rules and further information at