Almería, Spain – June 3–6, 2025.
Dear algaeneers,
We’re excited to invite you to the Young Algaeneers Symposium (YAS), taking place in the Mediterranean city of Almería, Spain, from June 3–6, 2025. Locally organized by the University of Almería, YAS brings together early-career professionals and experts in the algae field for an engaging and inspiring event.
Why you should come to YAS:
- Invited Speakers: Listen to talks and discussions from microalgae and seaweed experts.
- Young Algaeneer Talks: Share your work through an oral presentation and engage in fruitful discussions with like-minded algaeneers.
- Poster Presentations: Share your latest research and gain valuable insights with algaeneers who also share the same interests!
- Visit Tours and Workshops: Discover local algae companies and facilities through an exclusive tour, followed by workshops to explore the practical applications and benefits of algae.
- Working Groups: Collaborate with other participants to tackle real-world algae challenges—and compete for exciting prizes.
- Innovation Competition: Have an algae business idea? Pitch it at YAS, receive valuable feedback from leading experts, and compete for cash prizes and business mentoring opportunities!
- Networking Opportunities: Meet new young algaeneers and forge connections within the algal community here!
- Touristic visits and Social Events: Relax and connect with others at our special gatherings, where you can enjoy great conversations and make new friends.
Event Registration
Registration with Abstract Submission (for Poster Presentation or Young Algaeneer Talks) until: 4th April 2025
Registration without Abstract Submission until: 18th April 2025
Participants applying for Overseas Scholarships- register before 14th February 2025
Innovation Competition
Deadline for submissions: 21st February 2025
Notification of the 1st phase winners: 21st March 2025