May 5, 2020
May 8, 2020
This course is designed for those who want to look at seaweeds in more detail and get to grips with the more difficult groups (e.g. slimy green and brown seaweeds and red seaweeds that can only be identified reliably under high powered microscopes or by sectioning). Attention will be given to recognising non-native species, of which several are known in Plymouth Sound. Seagrass beds are a topical subject due to both their ecological importance and the diversity of species found within. Collections will be made from local seagrass (
Zostera marina) beds to examine the epiphytes living on them.
Numbers will be limited to enable the tutors to cater for individual needs of interested amateurs, professional biologists requiring further training or refreshers, students (undergraduate and postgraduate), artists, foragers, and those working with the Water Framework Directive.
For more details, see the
MarineSeen website.